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Picture of Jade Annual Health Check Program (MG082)

Jade Annual Health Check Program (MG082)

Recommended for all Men and Female aged 18 or above. Other than the basic health check items & blood tests, this plan includes Urine Test, Stool Test, X-ray Test, Heart Test, Ultrasound Screening and 2 optional Cancer Marker Tests.
HK$6,073.00 HK$4,288.00
Picture of Pneumococcal 15-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV15) (1 Dose)

Pneumococcal 15-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV15) (1 Dose)

肺炎在香港是僅次癌症的第2大死亡原因,而肺炎球菌的抗藥性日益加強。在香港,近半入侵性肺炎球菌病個案是由血清3型惡菌引起,而由血清3型引起的入侵性疾病死亡率高達30%至47%。新一代的15價肺炎球菌疫苗精准地針對了血清3型,能夠提供更強勁的保護網。 新一代15價肺炎球菌疫苗【針對血清3型惡菌】 針對香港血清3型肺炎球菌,提供更佳保護 預防15種血清型肺炎球菌 已獲美國FDA及歐盟批准使用,在美國、英國、加拿大、澳大利亞等歐美國家獲批使用
HK$1,600.00 HK$1,480.00
Picture of Subhealth Assessment Program

Subhealth Assessment Program

The assessment of intestinal metabolism, glucose metabolism, chronic inflammation, hormones, stress index, detoxification function and basic blood function is presented by an experienced subhealth assessment expert, who provides detailed analysis of hidden diseases and nutritional imbalances caused by inflammation in the body and teaches you to improve your diet and lifestyle habits in a comprehensive manner.
HK$7,760.00 HK$4,500.00
Picture of Diamond Annual Health Check Program

Diamond Annual Health Check Program

Basic physical examination + urine examination + stool examination + 53 blood tests + X-ray examination + osteoporosis examination + heart examination + ultrasound examination + 7 cancer indicators + fundus photography examination + stomach health examination
HK$17,461.00 HK$8,688.00
Picture of Pain Management (First Time Trial)

Pain Management (First Time Trial)

According to the research data pointed out by the Hospital Authority's Joint Medical Pain Management Task Force, 10.8% of the Hong Kong population had suffered from persistent or intermittent pain for more than three months in the twelve months before the survey. The most common types of pain in the Hong Kong population are headache, joint pain, low back pain, muscle pain and neuralgia. MediFast professional pain team can immediately relieve and relieve your pain within 45 minutes and solve your pain problems. Customers who experience it for the first time can also enjoy a trial price to experience professional pain treatment.
Picture of HPV 9 in 1 Vaccine (2 Doses) (Suitable for aged 9-14)

HPV 9 in 1 Vaccine (2 Doses) (Suitable for aged 9-14)

Cervical cancer develops in a woman’s cervix, and almost all related cancer cases are linked to HPV infection. Different genotypes of HPV will lead to diverse diseases, including genital warts (for men and women). Some studies advised that nearly 80% sexually active people will face the threats of HPV infection in their lifetime. HPV infection could incur no significant symptoms, and HPV transmission cannot be avoided even using condoms. HPV Vaccine is prophylactic vaccine that could protect men and women aged 15 or above against HPV infection, allowing the immune system to develop HPV antibodies.

  • Suitable Age:9-14 years old
  • HK$4,600.00 HK$3,120.00
    Picture of Comirnaty Bivalent Vaccine

    Comirnaty Bivalent Vaccine

    「復必泰二價疫苗」適用於預防2019 冠狀病毒病,主要針對Omicron變異病毒株所研發的疫苗加強劑。與原始株疫苗相比,具有更好的免疫原性,對身體作更全面的保護。根據BioNTech早前公佈臨床試驗數據,「復必泰二價疫苗」作為加強劑接種有利於加強對老年人群體的保護,加強接種後1個月的數據顯示,18-55歲成年人的中和抗體提高9.5倍,55歲以上老年人的中和抗體提高13.2倍,能夠提供更好的保護效果。

  • 適用對象:年滿18歲及已接種兩劑新冠滅活疫苗人士
  • *如核酸或抗原檢測結果曾呈陽性人士,也可以在以最後一次檢測陽性起計三至六個月後接種
  • 二人或以上優惠(HK$ 1,388/針),如欲了解詳情,請聯絡客戶服務熱線:22728222
  • HK$1,488.00
    Picture of AI Retinal Health Assessment

    AI Retinal Health Assessment

    眼底是眼球內後部的組織,包括視網膜、視盤和視網膜動靜脈血管,眼底異常是導致失明的重要因素。通過AI視網膜健康風險評估,不僅能了解眼底健康,同時能夠發現可能存在的糖尿病、高血壓、心腦血管等慢性疾病風險,提防隱形殺手。1張眼底照片能評估健康風險,快速發現疾病隱患和視網膜異常。早發現 ‧ 早診斷 ‧ 早預防!
    HK$988.00 HK$688.00
    Picture of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine

    Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine

    Seasonal influenza is an acute illness of the respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses. Influenza occurs in Hong Kong throughout the year but is usually more common in periods from January to March / April and from July to August. It is advised to be vaccinated in autumn.

    Influenza vaccination is one of the effective means in preventing influenza and its complications together with reduction in influenza-associated hospitalisation and death. Given that the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination offers protection against influenza and its complications, all members of the public, except those with known contraindications, should receive the vaccine annually for personal protection.
    Picture of Post COVID-19 Recovery Health Assessment (Advanced Plan)

    Post COVID-19 Recovery Health Assessment (Advanced Plan)

    The COVID-19 epidemic is still rampant across the globe, as of 13 June 2022, over 532 million cases have been reported worldwide, and 1.22 million confirmed cases in Hong Kong have been recorded since the first outbreak. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that most people who have developed COVID-19 will be recovered, while some may experience a variety of post-COVID symptoms after their recovery, such as fatigue, breathlessness and chest-pain. Some experts also pointed out that some patients are experiencing palpitations and long-term effects of the lung, cardiovascular and neurological systems in their bodies. To alleviate the symptoms against recovered persons and hasten recovery from disease, Post COVID-19 Recovery Health Assessment (Advanced Plan) has been launched which included all health check-up items of “Essential Plan”, also covered COVID-19 antibody test, resting ECG, ultrasound screening and ferritin test, offering comprehensive and holistic care for the recovered persons.
    HK$4,380.00 HK$2,899.00